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1-1 Generating topics

Writer's picture: Jingyi LohJingyi Loh

Week 1

HI. The initial process of any project is to generate a big idea that will kickstart it. In this blog, I would be sharing my topic interests and the general ideas of them.

The three topics that I have in mind are:-

  1. Color blindness

  2. See beauty in ugliness

  3. Our local garden


For several reasons, the idea of "color blindness" are always circling in my mind. Whenever I am working on any design work or just going through daily life, I would wonder the world seen by people with color blindness. Consequently, this topic has become one of the topic interest.

For a more thorough understanding, I did some surface-level research on it and realized there are different kind of color blindness. I read more about this condition and found out it affects people in different ways and levels. My idea direction for this topic is to allow people to see through the eyes of color blind carriers and experience the colors they see in their daily life. This in a way would educate them about the different color blindness and also raise awareness about this condition.

As for my second topic "See beauty in ugliness", I would like to take this opportunity to deliver a different perception on what "beautiful" means. The idea is to introduce unconventional beauty around us, and for me to properly deliver this, I was thinking about "tribal beauty" and "unconventional animals" to represent "beautiful". I feel like these two subjects would be appropriate because of their uniqueness and appreciation from people. I have an idea of a message; "Just because something looks different does not mean is not beautiful". And through these two subjects, I feel like it would help convey this message. I was able to did some research on the uniqueness on different tribes and the animals that are labelled as odd-looking. As for this topic, everything is still sort of vague and broad, I would need further research.

Coming to the final topic, "Our local garden", this topic is based more on my personal interest towards nature. And because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us have lost touch with the nature. I see this as an opportunity to promote Malaysia nature and eventually having some level of appreciation towards it too. But because the "nature" itself is a very broad topic. At this point, I was leaning more towards something is representative and also showcase Malaysia's cultural value. Which lead me to "local herbs and spices", I feel like herbs and spices are somewhat the pride of Malaysians. Majority of our local food relies on herbs and spices, and the different species bring out the different taste and feeling.


From the three topics above, I am very much interested in exploring more on color blindness and how I can bring out my idea, I needed to do more research to really secure my POV. As for the second topic, I would need more in-depth research to narrow down a specific direction, right now things are too vague and broad. And for topic three, as this is a topic that is more personal to me, I would also like to continue exploring the possible direction to really bring out the character of it.

Instead of juggling all three topics together, I will be forfeiting one of them for me to be able to really focus on doing more effective research.

That is all for now! In the next blog, I would continue with more in-depth research and analysis.

Bye! :)

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