13-2 Final touch-up
Week 13 HI. Doing some final touch-up and preparing for submission It's time for submission, doing some final touch-up and refinements....
13-2 Final touch-up
13-1 Beta test results
12 - Exploration week + CNY!
11 - Preparing for final submission
10 - Refining and progressing...
9 - Refining and progressing...
8 - Usability test and analyzing feedback
7 - Continuing with progress
6 - Preparing for usability test
4/5.2 - Working on technicalities
4/5.1 - Progressing...
3-2 Continuing on technical progress
3-1 Brainstorming on dynamic content
2-2 Continuing on technical progress
2-1 Reading for additional thoughts
1-2 Facing minor technical issues
1-1 Updating further refinements